Moving a page from the Site Pages library to the Pages library

In redesigning the homepage for his website, my client created the new homepage in the sitepages library using the modern site page. but his previous home page was located in the pages library. after discussing with him the option of redirecting the old page, he insisted on using the new page renamed as the old page. But SharePoint doesn’t allow you to move a modern site page from the site Pages library to the pages library.

After a number of trial and errors, including using metalogix, flow, etcetera, I stumbled upon the solution.

In the Pages library add the content type “Site page” .

I’m the “Site Pages” library, change the settings to classic experience.

Go to the Site Pages library and use the copy command. Enter the destination as the full URL of the library from https+++/pages

Click ok through the messages and then go to the Pages library. Edit the page properties and change the content type to Site Page if it isn’t.

Rename your old page and new page.


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